About Cade
Born November 28, 2001, Michael Cade Riley, also known as “Red” to us and many of his friends, left us at God’s perfect time on September 16, 2017. He left this world on the banks of the South Fork of the San Gabriel River on his way to do what he loved most, fishing.
In his 15 years on this earth, his impact on others was infectious. He wanted to be part of showing and sharing God’s power to the world. Cade did just that on a daily basis. Whether it was lifting someone’s spirits at school, to playing with younger kids at his brother’s baseball tournaments or helping a friend catch their first fish, I guess you could say the old proverb rings true about Cade. Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Cade’s happiness will feed the friendships he made for a lifetime.
Cade was a proud student of Liberty Hill High School. In addition to his love of lacrosse, at LHHS he followed his other passion of football. He loved being part of the team and the Liberty Hill Community.
Cade had great faith and knew that he was as God had formed him. His love had no boundaries and didn’t discriminate. His tenacity to live and laugh, his quick wit, his gift to simply make someone smile and creative spirit was contagious. He always saw the bright side of life as he knew God’s purpose for him would be revealed and it could only be echoed in the words of those that crossed his path….”You left such a big impact on my life, and I will never forget every second we were together.” “Thank you for the smiles, laughs and jokes you gave me.” “Thank you so much for accepting me for me.” “I never saw him have a bad day. Somebody like him are few and far between.” “And of course I’m going to miss you walking with a fishing pole everywhere you go” one said.
Until we meet again, Red, one day upon God’s golden sand, we’ll picture you, no other way than with a pole in hand.
For more information please go to: http://www.caderileymemorial.com/