In Memory of Kaden
Kaden Smith was born on May 11, 2001, in Round Rock, Texas. He was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 4, and despite the challenges, he was a very brave little boy with a heart of gold. On August 3, 2010, Kaden lost his battle with epilepsy. Kaden loved his family, friends, and family pets. Kaden also loved playing baseball, building with Legos, and playing Wii and Nintendo DS with his little brother and friends. Kaden’s older sister, Kaylee, is also diagnosed with epilepsy. “Losing our sweet nine-year-old son was the most painful, heart-breaking thing our family has ever experienced. We miss Kaden every day and wish we could hug him one more time. And unfortunately, we are not alone. There are many more families out there who have experienced the same devastating loss of their loved one. Even more, suffer every day from repeatedly having seizures that cannot be controlled. We believe it’s time for a change! We are encouraged every day to make a difference and to honor sweet Kaden for all he has done and all he continues to do through his memory.” This fund was created In Memory of Kaden (IM OK) to support research, education, and services for epilepsy.
– The Smith Family

Contact Information:
Traci Smith (512) 826-6757