GIVE TAYLOR is here!
Join the Greater Taylor Foundation DECEMBER 3rd for this exciting global Giving Tuesday movement and make a difference in your community!
$60,929 raised
$40,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
GIVE TAYLOR Giving Tuesday is part of the global Giving Tuesday movement, which encourages people and organizations to give back to their communities. It is held on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and is an online campaign for 501(c)3 organizations providing services in Taylor. GIVE TAYLOR is December 3, 2024. Faykus Financial will be providing a match of $10,000. Participating nonprofits will receive matching funds based on percent of the total raised in the campaign.
For information email info@greatertaylorfoundation.org
To register go to www.greatertaylorfoundation.org
About the Greater Taylor Foundation:
The Greater Taylor Foundation was founded in 2022 on the belief that by pooling our resources and giving within the community, we can do more to preserve the quality of life we enjoy today for future generations.
Taylor is a special community – filled with culture, tradition, and a Texas-size spirit of giving. People who love the Taylor area love giving back! As the trusted leader for philanthropy in this area, we provide simple ways for donors and businesses to achieve their long-term charitable goals.
We do this by providing personalized service, grant making, professional stewardship and collaborative leadership to meet everyone’s giving needs and serve nonprofit organizations/charities.
Visit https://greatertaylorfoundation.org/ for more information. Picture below taken at the launch of the Greater Taylor Foundation.